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Buy 1 get 1 Free: Heavy Duty Cleaner 125ml
Buy 1 get 1 Free: Heavy Duty Cleaner 125ml
cleanersspecial cleanersHeavy Duty Cleaner


Heavy Duty Cleaner

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Buy 1 get 1 Free: Heavy Duty Cleaner 125mlBuy 1 get 1 Free: Heavy Duty Cleaner 125ml

Product Details

Undiluted usage: Removes chewing gum and stains of color, stains of ink and ball-point pens, grease and fat stains, resins, glues, nail polish and many other stains from textiles. Removes bad odours. Dilluted usage: Dillute 3 – 5 dosing caps (30 - 60 ml) for 5 liter water for cleaning all surfaces. Becomes milky when dilluted.

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